It's Friday, it's a three day weekend and I've got some freebies for you! The sweetest little lady emailed me and wrote she now had something possibly for my download on Friday, this was Wednesday, being the procrastinator, very busy bid'ness person that I am I got back late Thursday evening-- 'Can you get me something by tomorrow?' Without hesitation the wonderful Ana Guimaraes of Maria Lunate had popped a pdf in my in-box, titled 'Sweet Bird', she had me at 'sweet'. I opened it and smiled and knew it would cause many more. It really is a sweet bird and a super item to keep on your desk top so you always have a thank you at the ready.
Since it's a long weekend and I was naughty and played hookey for two days this week, I am also adding to this download smorgasborg some colored graph paper. I am a graph paper fiend and I shall be adding more colors and sizes eventually but I thought it might be nice with back-to-school and all to do a magenta and also a lavender (I use to LOVE getting new school supplies). I made these 10" x 10" because I was under the impression that those were standard scrapbook sizes but I was wrong (oops). I was off by a few inches, please don't flog me, I am sure you can find something wildly creative to do with them anyway...
****Not that you would want to or could but disclaimer, please don't try to sell these downloads, they are for your personal use and I hope you have many hours of enjoyment from them but if you start to make money from them and I am still doing the 9-5, uhm, 9-midnight shift, I am going to be plenty p.o'd. BUT if you would like to share them on your blog or (in your underground society) please feel free to do so...